Low Milk Supply? 9 Tips To Increase Milk Supply

Low milk supply can be one of the most frustrating things a breastfeeding mom can face. Solutions aren’t always easy, and sometimes it can take a while to narrow down the root cause of the decrease in production.


One of the best ways to build a good milk supply is to nurse your baby early and often. Start as soon as they are born, and keep going any time baby signals that they might be hungry. You can’t overfeed a baby at the breast. It’s normal for newborns to nurse eight to twelve times a day – sometimes more. Feedings are typically every two to three hours, though they won’t always be evenly spaced around the clock. Sometimes babies will cluster feed and sometimes they will go a little longer between feedings.

You can’t overfeed a baby at the breast.

One misunderstanding some new parents have is that lactation professionals count these feedings from the start of one to the start of the next (rather than end to start). Just by timing feedings in that way, you can often get one or two extra times at the breast in per day. Always let your baby feed as long as they’d like on the first breast and always offer the second breast.

But even with the best breastfeeding management, some moms still have low milk supply. Working closely with Milk Diva Lactation Services (or a board-certified lactation consultant near you) is one of the best ways to sort out what is happening in your individual situation to cause your diminishing supply. As you’re working through the problem, here are some quick tips to boost the amount of milk you’re making:

Milk Supply is Mostly Based on Milk Removal

Want more milk? Then you might consider pumping or emptying your breasts more often. The baby is usually more efficient than the pump (unless your baby is having latching or milk transfer issues). But getting those hormones stimulated additional times each day can be the easiest way to get your body to recognize that it needs to crank up production.

Get to the Root Cause

This can take some detective work and often needs some professional input. Is it something in the way you are holding your baby? Is it something related to your health history? Is it a medication you’ve been taking? Did you have significant blood loss? Or is it related to your baby? Do they have a shallow latch? Do you have pain when nursing? Do they have low suction or do they fall asleep quickly at the breast? Do they have a tongue tie or another anomaly that would cause them to have problems getting the milk they need from the breast? If not enough milk is being removed, your body thinks it needs to slow down production.

Feeding Improvements

Even if your baby is already a few months old, go back to the basics of positioning and latching. Be sure your baby is turned toward you (tummy-to-tummy) with their head at breast level and no space between your bodies. Wait for a really wide open mouth and bring the baby to the breast (rather than the breast to the baby). If you need help with this, book either an in-person or virtual consultation with Milk Diva or another qualified IBCLC.

Try breast compressions at the end of a feeding on each breast. This will get a little more milk into your baby each time. If your baby routinely falls asleep very early in the feeding, consider switching sides several times to keep them awake.

Pumping Improvements

Check all of your pump parts to make sure they’re in working order. Replace any membranes that you think may be worn. Make sure the flanges are the proper size for your anatomy. Play around with the suction and repetition levels. Massage your breasts before and during the pumping session.

Power Pumping

Power pumping can be done in a variety of ways, but the theory is that you can use the pump to mimic baby’s cluster feeding as a way to increase your milk supply. Theoretically this is what baby’s do naturally when they go through a growth spurt, and you can trick your body into thinking the pump is the baby and more milk is needed. To do this, set aside one hour, once per day and pump on and off for 10 minutes at a time (pump 10 minutes, rest 10 minutes, pump 10 minutes, rest 10 minutes, etc. until you get to 60 minutes). You can play around with the amount of time for each pumping session or how many sessions per day you do.

Skin to Skin

Whether it’s while you’re feeding or if you’re just sitting around binge watching your favorite show, strip your baby down to their diaper, place them between your breasts, wrap a blanket or shirt around the two of you and relax together. This skin-to-skin contact will stimulate your hormone production.

Night Nursing

If your baby has started to sleep longer stretches, this has the potential to impact how much milk you’re making. While a 5-hour stretch of sleep for baby may not cause any supply problems for one mom, another mom may see her supply decrease. Or maybe the 5-hour stretch doesn’t cause problems, but when the baby sleeps 8 hours straight on a regular basis, mom feels like her supply has tanked. But it all depends on how much baby is nursing within a 24 hour time frame. A baby who still feeds every 2 hours but then sleeps a 5-hour stretch at night will still probably get plenty of milk hence keeping mom’s supply pretty even). But a baby who is only nursing a couple of times a day and sleeping all night may have a mom who struggles to keep up. So keep an eye on the big picture of how much a baby is taking over the course of 24 hours.

So keep an eye on the big picture of how much a baby is taking over the course of 24 hours.

If you notice that your supply is decreasing (whether it’s from your baby sleeping longer at night or not), take advantage of your higher prolactin (the milk-making hormone) level at night by nursing your baby. You don’t even need to wake them very much. Sometimes you can just lift them out of their crib and tickle their lips with your nipple, and they will latch on and have a good ‘dream feeding.’

Foods, Herbs, and Supplements

Be sure you are eating enough calories, staying hydrated and getting at 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep, per day (I know, this sounds like a tall order). Adding some specific foods to your diet can be one of the easiest interventions to support making more milk. These foods are healthy and won’t have any negative side effects. Consider lactogenic foods such as oatmeal, almonds, dried apricots, and flax, among others. Some herbs are also used as galactagogues. Fenugreek is the most common one, though there are others that may be used to increase milk supply, too. Work closely with a lactation consultant and herbalist or naturopath if you choose herbs to try increasing your supply – many of them interact with your body the way a medication would and some of them have contraindications if you have particular health problems.

Is Your Supply Actually Low?

Milk supply problems are one of the most common reasons mothers supplement with formula or wean from the breast altogether. Perceived insufficient milk supply – when a mother thinks her supply is low based on her baby’s behaviors – can cause a mother baby dyad to end their breastfeeding relationship before either of them were ready. The best way to avoid this is to learn what’s normal. Understanding infant feeding cues and normal breastfeeding behaviors can help a mom understand her baby is just doing what is expected. Learning that breast milk supply varies depending on time of day and in relationship to baby’s age can help her to intervene only when appropriate. Working closely with a lactation professional can help a mom sort out whether her supply is truly low, or whether she’s doing just fine and simply needs a more thorough explanation of how the whole thing works!

At Milk Diva we use a scale that is very sensitive to measure how much milk your baby gets after a breastfeed. Cool, huh!

If you have more specific questions and would like expert advice from an IBCLC for your individual breastfeeding questions, check us out!

Subscribe to Diva Diaries, to get more helpful, current, evidence-based breastfeeding resources.


Buckley, S. (2010) Ecstatic Birth – Nature’s hormonal blueprint for labor. E-book.

Galipeau, R., Baillot, A., Trottier, A., & Lemire, L. (2018). Effectiveness of interventions on breastfeeding self‐efficacy and perceived insufficient milk supply: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Maternal & child nutrition, 14(3), e12607.

Kent, J. C., Prime, D. K., & Garbin, C. P. (2012). Principles for maintaining or increasing breast milk production. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 41(1), 114-121.

Neifert, M., & Bunik, M. (2013). Overcoming clinical barriers to exclusive breastfeeding. Pediatric Clinics, 60(1), 115-145.

Riordan J & Wambach K. (2010). Breastfeeding and Human Lactation. 4th ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

West D & Marasco L. (2009). The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide to Making More Milk

When Should You Start Pumping?

When you have a new baby, a breast pump seems almost like an ‘must-have.’ It might have been an item on your shower registry, or perhaps you got one through your insurance company as soon as the baby was born. While most women think they’ll use their breast pump only when returning to work, for others, the breast pump becomes an essential tool much earlier than anticipated. If your baby is born early, or if you or your baby have medical complications at the time of birth, you may need to start pumping right away and the pump may become your best friend or worst enemy.

Why might you need to start pumping early?

If anything interrupts the natural start to breastfeeding after birth, then you may need to start pumping. The sooner after your baby’s birth you start, the sooner your milk will come in. The signal to your body that it’s time to start making milk happens when the placenta is delivered, but regular breast stimulation is necessary to bring in a robust milk supply.

Reasons to start pumping early include premature birth, late pre-term birth or induction before 38 weeks, a stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN) for your baby, maternal illness (including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, delivery complications, etc.), Cesarean birth, or simply if your baby is not latching for any reason.

Regular breast stimulation is necessary to bring in a robust milk supply.

When to start pumping

While you are in the hospital, the nursing staff or a lactation consultant should be able to help get you started. They should provide you with your own pump kit and show you how to use the hospital-grade electric pump. You should ideally begin pumping within 1-2 hours after birth (barring any contraindications), but definitely start regular milk removal within 6 hours after birth (Flaherman & Lee 2013). Then continue regular pumping, at least every 2-3 hours, just as a baby would be cueing to eat if you were breastfeeding.

Short frequent pumping sessions are much better than long, widely-spaced ones. In fact, that will most closely match what your baby would be doing at the breast. The work you put in early will pay off in a stronger milk supply later on. Pump for about 15 minutes or until 2 minutes after milk flow stops. Play with the pump settings to find the highest level that is comfortable for you. Pumping, like breastfeeding, shouldn’t hurt. Experts recommend pumping both breasts at the same time (simultaneously) – this makes pumping sessions shorter overall (when compared to pumping each side on after the other or sequentially) and increases the milk most moms can get (Flaherman & Lee, 2013).

If you have had pain medications for labor or recovery, or if you were treated with magnesium sulfate for blood pressure issues during the birth, you may be groggy and need help actually using the breast pump. If you have had a surgical birth or if you have medical complications, you may have mobility issues and additional assistance from the nursing staff may be needed each time you need to pump.

Another option is hand expression of colostrum rather than using the breast pump, at least at first. A lactation consultant should be able to show you the most effective way to do this, but you can also find instructions and videos online. The benefit of hand expression is that you can capture more of the colostrum as less is lost sticking to the pump parts.

The benefit of hand expression is that you can capture more of the colostrum as less is lost sticking to the pump parts.

Once your milk comes in, though, using a double-electric pump is much more efficient for most women. You may be able to rent a hospital-grade pump to use at home after your hospital discharge, or a standard breast pump may be enough for your needs.

What to expect with early pumping

Don’t plan to get ounces of breastmilk at first. When a baby is breastfeeding directly, they need only small amounts of colostrum for the first couple of days until your milk ‘comes in.’ Think of colostrum in terms of teaspoons rather than ounces.

There’s a learning curve to pumping, too. After all, the mechanical, plastic pump parts are nothing like your soft, cuddly baby. And the stress of medical complications or worry about your baby’s health can add another layer of hormones working against effective milk production. Be sure you are warm enough, well supported and as relaxed as possible. Try massaging your breasts before turning the pump on and occasionally during the pumping session. Women who use this hands-on pumping technique tend to get more milk each time.

Try massaging your breasts before turning the pump on and occasionally during the pumping session.

Maximizing production with the pump

You’ll also want to be sure your pump parts fit you correctly – while pump flanges come in standard sizes, every woman is not, in fact, the same size and shape. Work with your lactation consultant to be sure you’ve got just what you need. Some third-party retailers offer alternative pump flanges made in different shapes and sizes or from softer silicone material that are compatible with most major brands of breast pumps. These can improve the comfort of pumping and make it more productive (and less loathsome) overall.

Moms who pump regularly will sometimes use coconut or olive oil on the pump flange to improve comfort. Warm compresses, or a heating pad made specifically for pumping, are also helpful for some women. And many pumping moms will say some sort of pumping bra is essential if you are pumping regularly and long-term.

Visualization is also a helpful tool – try to image your baby at the breast or in your arms while pumping. Or listen to a recording of your baby crying or cooing. If your baby is with you, try having them skin-to-skin with you while pumping. If your baby is able to go to the breast, try pumping one side while nursing on the other (yes – this is often complicated at first and definitely takes assistance until you get the hang of it).

By using a breast pump wisely, you can build a strong milk supply and keep your baby healthy and growing. While pumping is only a temporary tool for some moms, it’s more of a long-term commitment for other mother-baby dyads. Your baby’s doctor and your lactation consultant can help you come up with a plan for how often and how long to continue pumping based on your own personal situation.

If you have more specific questions and would like expert advice from an IBCLC for your individual breastfeeding questions, check us out!

Subscribe to Diva Diaries, to get more helpful, current, evidence-based breastfeeding resources.


Becker GE, Smith HA, Cooney F. Methods of milk expression for lactating women. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 9. Art. No.: CD006170. https://www.cochrane.org/CD006170/PREG_methods-milk-expression-lactating-women

Flaherman, V. J., & Lee, H. C. (2013). “Breastfeeding” by feeding expressed mother’s milk. Pediatric clinics of North America, 60(1), 227–246. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5332143/

Low Milk Supply…But Why?

🙋🏻‍♀️ Ever wonder why you struggled with a low milk supply?

Wanna know if pumping all the time will ever come to an end?… Is triple feeding necessary?

Are you 🤰🏽 pregnant and worried about having a low milk supply?

🙋🏻‍♀️ Have you been told, “Some people just can’t make enough milk and that’s why we have formula….”

🙋🏻‍♀️ Have you been pumping a million times per day and still only getting a few ounces of milk?

🙋🏻‍♀️ Are you looking for answers about your milk supply?

Not many people know, but one of the main reasons I was drawn to becoming a Lactation Consultant, was to right the wrongs I experienced on my breastfeeding journey (Yes..I know I need therapy for this). Stopping the spread of misinformation about low milk supply is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

Low milk supply can be an intensely 😢, frustrating and triggering experience. Please take a few minutes out of your day and listen to episode 19, to learn the truths about low milk supply and how to properly support people in this situation.

⚡️ Please pay it forward and share it with other parents and professionals who support breastfeeding families.

⤵️ Listen to episode 19 to find out what a SWAT team busting down a door, has to do with lactation…🤔
….we provide education on all things low milk supply related.


4:34 Is it really low milk supply?

6:40 How to know if you have a low milk supply?

9:15 What about hormones and lactation?

13:14What does the placenta have to do with milk supply?

18:10 Does breast reduction surgery affect the milk supply?

18:46Big reasons that affect low milk supply

20:19What is triple feeding?

21:17Resources to help

25:12What about your mental health?

And here’s something special for your pregnant friends ⤵️

Wanna help us give more?
In an effort to help more women in our community have the opportunity to breastfeed we have just launched our Milk Diva Gives Back program. Our goal is to support our Austin community by providing extremely low-cost, high-quality, lactation support to families facing financial hardship.

Please consider donating towards, NURTURING AND NOURISHING OUR FUTURE GENERATION by visiting:Milk Diva Gives Back

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