Preeclampsia Awareness Month

Did you know that at least 5-8% of all pregnancies are affected by preeclampsia? So what exactly is preeclampsia and why is there a need to raise awareness about it?

What Is Preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is a disease that occurs during pregnancy and up to 6-8 weeks postpartum. It is characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. It can affect the mother and the unborn baby. The tricky part about preeclampsia is that many times women don’t feel sick and have very mild symptoms, making it difficult to identify, yet the disease may slowly or suddenly surface. points out that some characteristics of preeclampsia can be measured but they might not be obvious to a pregnant woman this includes high blood pressure, elevated liver enzymes, and elevated urine protein.

What Are Some of the Risks of Preeclampsia?

If left untreated high blood pressure related to preeclampsia can cause several serious issues. Some of these complications are in-utero growth restriction to the baby requiring premature delivery and organ damage to the mother. Preeclampsia that becomes more advanced can result in HELLP syndrome which stands for Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Low Platelet count syndrome.


Today, we’re featuring one mom who courageously fought HELLP or Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Low Platelet count syndrome. Read her story below ⬇️ or on FB or IG.

How To Prevent Complications?

The best preventive measure a mom can take against preeclampsia is to make sure that she gets consistent and thorough prenatal care. She should report any symptoms of preeclampsia to her doctor or provider as soon as possible. It has been reported that a delay in reporting symptoms has been linked to a number of preventable deaths.

As a bedside Labor & Delivery nurse, I see how difficult it is for mothers to keep their eyes open while being treated for Preeclampsia and this is the main breastfeeding hurdle to overcome.

How Can Preeclampsia Effect Breastfeeding?

Birth can be extremely exhausting and transitioning to breastfeeding can physically demanding. Now add up the extra physical stressors of Preeclampsia and the medication used to treat this disease. Many people may not realize, Magnesium Sulfate, the most common and effective medications used to treat Preeclampsia. While this medication is very very effective it makes the patient feel very sleepy, nauseous, and some patients feel hot and get a headache.

Take time to grieve feelings related to the unplanned changes to their birth & postpartum hopes and plans. Finding a lactation consultant that can offer compassionate, flexible breastfeeding support while the mother is on her wellness journey, is highly recommended.

Subscribe to Diva Diaries, to get more helpful, current, evidence-based breastfeeding resources.

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Preeclampsia – Everything You Need To Know With Dr. Crystal Berry-Roberts

I beg you to take a moment and fully read the contents of this message….it could help save a person’s life. May is preeclampsia awareness month! Preeclampsia is a serious health problem for pregnant women around the world. It affects 2 to 8 percent of pregnancies worldwide. Preeclampsia occurs in about 1 out of 25 pregnancies in the United States and is the cause of 15 percent (about 3 in 20) of premature births*. This episode is a conversation with Board Certified Obstetrician, Dr. Crystal Berry-Roberts, where we discuss how we can work TOGETHER as a community, to PREVENT THE LOSS OF LIFE related to preeclampsia. There are so many “drop the mic” 🎤 moments in this episode, that I lost count. Dr. Berry-Roberts discusses the details surrounding how we can help identify some of the less obvious signs & symptoms of preeclampsia. She also gives us actionable steps we can take that can save lives.

In this week’s Birth, Babies & Boob Business by Milk Diva, podcast episode…

My special guest and I call out flaws in our healthcare system and share real-life scenarios that highlight barriers to getting QUALITY, ROUTINE, and PRENATAL CARE (which is vital to preventing death in pregnancy & postpartum).

Make sure you listen through to the end where you will hear Dr. Berry-Roberts challenge health care providers to make one specific change in their practice. She also does an amazing job of highlighting the importance of welcoming the presence of community-based birth workers. This is a MUST LISTEN & MUST SHARE episode!

This episode is ESPECIALLY important for pregnant people, nurses, healthcare providers, and birth workers. So please share and help save a life.

👏👏👏👏 🎩 Hat’s off to my special guest, Dr. Berry-Roberts for speaking out and offering a transparent perspective on obstetric care in our community!

Here’s a little breakdown of what’s in this episode:


3:14 Guest credentials

7:22 What is Preeclampsia?

9:18 What is elevated blood pressure?

14:58 What are the risks of Preeclampsia

20:32 What are the treatment options?

25:10 What protects pregnant women from seizures?

29:46 What can I do with my health and lifestyle to prevent Preeclampsia?

37:12 What do pregnant women need to watch out for?

41:34 Preeclampsia and postpartum

48:03 Why some people are resistant to treatment?

52:51 Dr. Berry-Roberts Call to Action for providers

56:18 Preeclampsia resource

57:18 Dr. Berry-Roberts takes us to church and closing remarks

This would be a great episode to share ↪️

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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Bonus Resources on Preeclampsia:

Your support is everything…please share 📩 with your favorite birth-worker or parent friend


“Preeclampsia.” March of Dimes, March of Dimes,

“High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6 May 2021,,which%20is%20a%20medical%20emergency.

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